Episode Summary

Healthcare is one of those areas where more data is almost always better. And I talk a lot on the show about how data is helping doctors and patients make smarter decisions. But a lot of the data we’d still like to have is stuck in those arcane Electronic Health Record systems or EHRs that medical practices or hospital systems use to track their patients. These systems tend to be closed, proprietary, user-unfriendly, and incompatible with one another. And we've repeatedly made the case here on the show that EHR technology is holding back innovation across the healthcare market. That’s why we like to meet companies that are working to make EHR data more useful. And in this episode we welcome a pair of guests from a company called Verana Health that’s trying to do just that. The company recently brought in $150 million in new venture capital funding to help scale up its data services, which currently focus on the subspecialties of ophthalmology, neurology, and urology. Verana takes data on patients in these fields, cleans it up, analyzes it, and pulls out insights that could be useful—both for clinicians who want to increase the quality of the care they’re providing, and for pharmaceutical companies who need new ways to measure the effectiveness of their drugs and better ways to find patients for clinical trials. Here to explain more about all of that are Verana’s CEO, Sujay Jadhav, as well as its senior vice president of clinical and scientific solutions, Shrujal Baxi. (If you’re a longtime listener you might remember that we had Shrujal on the show once before, back in 2018, when she talked about her previous company Flatiron Health.)


The content above was previously recorded. The views herein were made at the time of this recording and are not updated to reflect changes in economic or financial circumstances. The opinions are those of the contributor and not Scientia Ventures, LLC, its affiliates, officers, or employees. Nothing herein constitutes a recommendation, solicitation, or offer to purchase securities or private funds, which can only be made through the relevant offering documents.