Episode Summary

For the 100th episode of The Harry Glorikian Show, Harry welcomes Phil Febbo, chief medical officer at Illumina. The San Diego-based company is the leading maker of the high-speed gene sequencing machines that are at the core of the precision medicine revolution. The company has an 80 percent market share, which means that if you or your loved one has had any sequencing done for any reason, chances are your samples were sequenced on an Illumina machine. Gene sequencing is already a key part of both diagnostics and treatment decisions for many disease, but its use is only going to expand as the technology gets faster and cheaper. This fall, Illumina announced that it’s coming out a new gene sequencing machine called the NovaSeq X that can sequence a genome more than twice as fast as Illumina’s previous top-of-the-line machine, and at a lower cost. That’s bound to speed up progress all across the field of genetic medicine, drug discovery, and life science research. And that’s where Harry starts his interview with Febbo.


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